Sage Fixed Asset Software (SageFAS) delivers powerful, easy-to-use fixed asset management solutions to businesses of all sizes. SageFAS provides fixed asset depreciation calculations for financial and tax reporting, asset inventory reconciliation, customized reporting, and construction in progress management, helping companies manage their vital fixed assets.

With a comprehensive depreciation engine containing more than 300,000 IRS and GAAP rules, SageFAS makes managing the lifecycle of your company's fixed assets - from acquisition to disposal--fast, easy, and accurate. SageFAS eliminates the time and energy it takes to manually perform the necessary accounting procedures, allowing you to focus on other tasks. Sage FAS has budget-friendly versions to meet the specific needs of your organization - from single-user, multi-user, or Microsoft® SQL networks, to the number of assets in your organization. FAS Asset Accounting can be customized to work to meet the specific needs of any business process with user-definable fields, "Smart Lists," Asset Templates, and more.

More than 10,000 Assets/Microsoft SQL Network
SageFAS500 has the power you need to manage your fixed assets and maintain reliable, relevant, useful data. Sage FAS500 provides powerful reporting capabilities allowing you to access information quickly, easily, and in the way it is needed.

Stand-Alone/Network/Fewer than 10,000 Assets
SageFAS100 Asset Accounting provides the same complete depreciation calculations as the entire FAS Asset Accounting family, and can be used as a stand-alone version, or can be networked for multiple users. Built-in security ensures that users can only access the information they need based on their role in the company.

Stand-Alone/Fewer than 1,000 Assets
SageFAS50 Asset Accounting is the perfect choice for your growing business's fixed asset accounting needs. With asset templates to assist with entering asset data, and easy-to-use reporting functionality, you can perform tasks efficiently and accurately.